Saint Anthony’s Hoopeston - Fall 2024
Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 9:00 a.m.
Spanish (Homily in English) Sunday - 11:00 a.m.
Note: Spanish mass is once a month, on the 2nd Sunday.
La misa en español es a las 11:00 am, el segundo domingo de cada mes.
Weekday Mass Times:
Tuesday 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday 8:30 a.m
*A typed copy of the homily is available in English and Spanish at the Saturday and Sunday masses. Please feel free to read along and take one home for those in need.
Hay una copia mecanografiada de la homilía disponible en inglés y español en las misas del sábado y del domingo. Siéntete libre de leerla y llevarla a casa para quienes la necesiten
*A family room is located next to the altar. It can be entered before mass from the altar or, from outside stairs on the southwest side of the church.
Keep up with News and Announcements!
Donut Sunday is back to the first Sunday of the month, March 2nd.
Marti Gras Jambalaya Tuesday, March 4th
Announcements: if you have announcements of births, sacraments or special events to share or celebrate, please contact Deb Benjamin at the parish office 217-283-6211 to be included in the bulletin and on the website.
News Highlights:
Congratulations to the Colunga Family on the baptism of Amina, Ailee, and Amarie last weekend! God Bless!
Giving Tree- Thank you to all who donated to our giving tree. The box was overflowing with your generosity!
New altar server albs have been ordered to replace some of the older albs (40 years old!). If you would like to donate for this purpose, please contact the office or place your donation in an envelope marked albs and drop in the basket on Sunday. Half of the albs have been covered by donation. Thank you to all who have donated!
Welcome to our Catholic family
Welcome to St. Anthony’s Catholic Parish: we are a family of love, service to God, and to one another. We proclaim God’s mission through the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our Christian life. It is my hope that, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, many will join us as disciples of Jesus who said that, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Thanks to all who have brought life back into St. Anthony’s Parish. We are so fortunate to have so many of you participating and leading us forward. Our church is truly a community of Faith and Love.
Fr. Ignatius Mulenda, Parish Administrator
Saint Anthony’s - Hoopeston
Join us in ministry…
There are many ways to participate in contributing to the church! Some activities will take very little time and others will require more commitment.
Every contribution of time/talent helps!